Monday, January 4, 2010

That's my goal and I'm sticking to it!

Good afternoon everyone! How are things there in good ol AZ? Things are good here in Mexico. The work has been a bit slow for all the people going out of town, but I’m expecting it to pick up again since school has started once again. New year’s eve was eventful. Well, not really. We got with the two Elders we live with and wanted to go to dinner. But we didn’t want to go very far considering it gets a little crazy on days like those around here, so we settled for Burger King and went to the house to play Monopoly (I lost again, that put me in a bad mood...). Then we got on top of the house(its a two story) and Roylance and Flores were chucking fireworks (I wasn’t, of course, just watching) and some pretty stupid people went to check them out there in the middle of the street. Pretty funny but one kid got pretty mad. After that we goofed around till twelve and slept. Pretty eventful. We really didn’t have that eventful of a week but it ended up good on Sunday. We had 10 people go to church including two awesome families. It was pretty cool when the Bishop had the investigators stand up and it was a whole row. One hermana we get along with really good, gave me a big thumbs up. Haha!

Well, this is the last week of the transfer and I’m pretty sure I’m out of here. I’ll be focusing a lot on the investigators we have, especially the ones that can be baptized so that I can really end up good here.

New years day after getting ready and all that, I went up to the roof with my journal and did my new years resolutions. Took up a whole page cuz I had "in the mission" and "after the mission." I thought a lot about those things and sure hope that I can fulfill them. It would be really fulfilling to me. There are a few things really important to making goals and completing them. First, you have to make a goal specific and measurable, something reachable but it must make you stretch to reach it. Then you have to write it down. President Monson taught, when performance is measured, performance increases. When it is reported, the rate of the increase accelerates. Well, something like that. It’s in Preach my Gospel. So basically, tell someone your goals so they can help you reach them. Then review those goals every now and then to remind yourself and to make sure you are on track or make changes if necessary. I used to hate the whole goal making thing. I still do when someone else tells me to do it. But it is such an important principle to learn and apply. If we don’t fully apply this principle we will look back after time and realize that we have only reached a small portion of our potential. I’m sure mom made you all do your new years resolutions, so I give you an invitation, read the part of Preach My Gospel chapter 8 where it talks about goals and the last section as well. It will greatly help all of us. I’m sure of that.

Ok, well that’s my message for the day. I’m realizing that I should have studied it out a bit better but that’s what came to my mind as I was writing.

God lives, Elder Roylance has a Christian song we love and all it says is "our God is an Awesome God, He reigns from heaven above" its sweet and true. He loves us and that makes all the difference. I love you all. Take care and be happy.


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