Friday, June 27, 2008

Opportunity of a lifetime

Well I’ve got quite the story this week and hopefully I can type fast enough. Sorry for bragging but I had the opportunity of a lifetime on Sunday. I have seen the prophet of the Lord. This week is the new mission presidents training week and there is an unusual amount of excitement here and I was suggested as one ready to participate in passing the sacrament. Thirty out of 1900 elders got this chance. So on Sunday is the big opening meeting for the seminar and it a sacrament meeting. I was at one of the three tables with the sacrament breaking the bread but not the mouthpiece. There were 480 people total, 128 new mission presidents, a big handful of seventies including the entire presidency of the seventy, the presiding bishopric, then ten of the quorum of the twelve were there and the full First Presidency... sink that in I'm not lying. I have seen them all. It was incredible. Of course I was staring at Presidents Uchtdorf and Eyring while we were waiting for President Monson and president Eyring looked my way a few times and one time both of them looked at me and smiled for a while... oh my the authority and peace I could see in their eyes, I wish I could've shook their hands but I haven’t got the chance. President Monson talked after the sacrament and even though he was talking solely to the mission presidents I was in awe. I saw him and heard his voice. He spoke in his familiar loving story telling pattern. It was so cool. And was over way too quick... I'm still trying to sink in what I've seen.
Yesterday after lunch we were walking back to the class and elder Hoyt says, "I think I saw Elder Oaks" I stared running and sure enough there he was in one of the hallways and he waved at us. Therefore if I can find elder nelson I will have seen all the apostles. The church is so real! I can now testify that we have a prophet on the earth and I have seen him and heard his voice and I know God speaks to him.
Ok... changing gears mom this next bit is optional upon what you feel. Elder Hoyt had quite the dream the other night and I wish I had time to explain it better. But it ends up he had to go home to get surgery and on the way back here we stopped to say hi to you and so we visited for a while and me an him decided to go on the porch which from his description sounds keenly like the cabin and London was there. She ran to me yelling Prest! Prest! How was he to know that’s what she called me? He said we talked but he could not hear what she said and all he heard me say was I'm gonna work extra hard just for her... I don’t know but it was pretty realistic sounding and then we were in Mexico teaching a middle-aged women when I woke him up. He said the spirit was so strong...
ok things are great here. Starting to feel the wind down. Three weeks left and its staring to sink in. We all realized we have NO idea where we are going, and the visas are almost caught up... says the rumors. Well I love you all thanks for the support I feel it. Momma get some sleep quit killing yourself" for it is not meet that man should run faster than he has strength" now for everyone else it says run not walk. Keep Running! And the Lord will support.
Paz ---Elder PT Solomonoh and someone find me Ben Davis’s email thx!!!!!!!!!

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