Wednesday, November 19, 2008

No transfer for me

Lookin daper...
That smiley missionary dead center is Preston's best bud Elder John Reed!
Elder Solly and companion Elder Canche, left, bottom
Cool ray!

Well some exciting events this week. The cultural event was really cool. There were missionaries there from like 6 different missions. I got to see Jon Arnett, Derek Buttars,  and John Reed. I didn’t really get to talk to any of them but it was so good to see them. Pres. Monson and Pres. Eyring came and talked at the event. Then there were a lot of dances that the youth have been preparing for a couple months now. It was really good and at the end all the missionaries went out on the field and sang. It was super cool, the stadium is huge.  There were over 100,000 people there. The next day the rededication was really cool too. We went to the second session in the stake center and the spirit was really strong there. I really got some cool impressions. 


Well I’m staying in Claveria for at least 6 more weeks with Elder Canche. We are really gonna work our butts off these next couple of weeks to have some solid people to carry us through the holidays.

 Other than that... you shouldn’t have sent me those pictures [of London], mom. I started crying in the Internet cafe. Of course I thought about her on her birthday. To tell you the truth I don’t ask for her to be with me even part of the time. I wouldn’t want her to be here in Mexico. There are better places for her.

 Well that’s exciting about the football team. Do something right and break the curse, k? Hmm, ok, I ran out of stuff to say!  Love you all incredibly and I’m praying for you. 

Let that light shine,

Elder Solly

1 comment:

Amy Carpenter said...

I enjoy reading your blog and updates. Keep up all the hard work.
From, Sister Carpenter